Be a Lady

Be a Lady They Said

“Don’t be that kind of woman”.

What kind of woman? The one who fights for equality? Being a feminist is not creating unease, being for me, being for a just life, is not creating unease. Be a feminist is not to bow my head when I am told that this is how things are, this is how society is.
Sorry for the discomfort of the echo of my words when I say no.
No, to the objectified body
No, to unequal wages
No, to gender categorization
No, to individualistic and inhuman cities

We identify us with what Cynthia Nixon says, because during our life we ​​have already gone through or will go through at least one of the situations. Someone will feel entitled to speak about our body, our way of being, our knowledge, our dreams and will take away the power of our essence, our personality. All of us, in one way or another, know the places to avoid, the hours, the people, the clothes, the situations. Gazelles in the savanna.
So please, before you think this is a war of gender, or opinions, try to walk in our shoes. And ask yourself:

Would I like to be treated like this?

2 thoughts on “Be a Lady”

    1. Thank you very much for your comment, I hope to see you here more often.

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